What? Free Fabric?? Yes, Please!

by Heather on July 2, 2012

First, please go to the Free Spirit Blog to find the link to the flickr group where you can find fabric requirements and other great helpful goodies.

Also, please see the Free Spirit Blog for instructions on how to make my block! If it’s not up yet, please check back later this morning. It’s Monday and the first day of this exciting event!

If that wasn’t enough, Free Spirit has provided me with a super awesome giveaway today!

For a hint…..well…..it’s not available in stores……fabric from an artist with a color in her name……and it reminds me of that discussion where you learned how babies were made.

Can you guess yet???

I get to give away a Tula Pink Birds and the Bees Design Roll. Or should I say I’m supposed to give it away. I might have to keep it for myself! So if you don’t get it, you know where it might have disappeared to…..

Here is the pretty, pretty picture! Notice that they didn’t send it to me. Probably because I might have “lost” it. Figures.

Here’s the nitty gritty…

To enter to win this, please comment on my blog with how warm it is where you live right now and if you *wish* it was the holiday season or if you love the weather in July.

One entry per person. Entries close at 5pm Central Time on Friday, July 6, 2012. I will do a random drawing and contact the winner for their information. Open to US and international residents!

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