Camp 2011 “Its My Room” Projects

by Heather on April 25, 2011

Here the grand line up! This is designed to be a beginner sewing camp, but I can easily switch up some items in the projects for more advanced kids.

This pillow is made from precut fabric called a “charm pack”. There is no cutting and everything in the charm pack coordinates. Its a quick and easy way to make a pillow for your room. In this project, these skills will be mastered: sewing a 1/4″ stitch, basic quilting/patchwork, and zipper installation.

A tray to hold jewelry, spare change, gum, cell phone, misc little treasures, whatever you want. Everything will stay within the sides and not be lost in the room! This project teaches: turn and topstitching technique, working with batting, measuring, sewing a straight line (not on an edge), and turning corners accurately, as well as clipping those corners!

This is a portion of the banner that I made featuring the name “fiberosity”. There is an important lesson here. I thought I had a lot of contrast for my letters and I would do it differently next time. While making this project, the following objectives will be taught: fusing interfacing, sewing layers, tracing and sewing curves, reverse applique and pinking.

And don’t forget the other project that will be featured in this class! The “Monster”


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